Tuesday, 27 June 2017

What is it to be a good teacher?

It's funny to sit and think about what makes a good teacher. The first thing that comes to mind are all the bad teachers i had. Why were they bad and what could they have done or even what could I have done to make them a better teacher?

I remember my 10th grade math teacher. Oh, he had it out for me from day one. You see the problem was that I had an older, very rebellious brother. A brother who really got under this teachers skin and unfortunately he just carried on the grudge when he taught me.

It was a lesson of what could he have done differently?
Well, his personal grudge got in the way of him being a good teacher. I don't remember his teaching style...i never really thought to assess that as I was too busy hiding.

Then there are the good teachers. They were few and far between.
There was my second language (Afrikaans) teacher. She was great! She was funny in class and would make sure things were clear. She was patient and there after hours to help. She stood out among the few.

I am excited about taking these PIDP courses. Knowing that I will be going into the classroom equipped with modern techniques to help the learners be successfully. How to deal with group activities and the loathing of them. We live in a very fast evolving society with an ever growing diversity. The are going to be new challenges that we face in this digital era that no other teachers had to deal with in history.

So let's put those phones down for a second and have a read over this article in The Australian Society for Evidence Based Teaching.

What makes a great teacher!


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